Google’s Hire gets smarter and more intuitive with AI

Recruiters are using more software and Google's Hire is becoming increasingly indispensable.
19 June 2018

Is it easier to be an HR manager now? Source: Shutterstock.

Have you ever wondered about all the technology that businesses use every day? Human Resources too use many software, systems, and platforms to make their job easier.

Of all their tasks, the one they struggle with the most seems to be managing recruitments. The more candidates the business needs to hire, the harder it gets to keep track of the status of each candidate and to manage the pool of recruitments.

Last year, Google launched Hire, a recruitments platform that it has since integrated with Gmail, Google Calendar, and other G Suite apps. As a result, it seems to have transformed the way recruiters and HR professionals manage the process.

Now, the company has incorporated Google AI with Hire to reduce repetitive, time-consuming tasks into one-click interactions allowing hiring teams to spend less time with logistics and more time connecting with people.

Here are some of the new features that the AI integration offers:

Improved interview scheduling

Recruiters and recruiting coordinators spend a lot of time managing interview logistics — finding available time on calendars, booking rooms, and pulling together the right information to prep interviewers.

To streamline this process, Hire uses AI to automatically suggest interviewers and ideal time slots, reducing interview scheduling to a few clicks.

In case an interviewer cancels at the last minute, Hire not only alerts users but also recommends available replacement interviewers and makes it easy to quickly invite them.

This means hiring teams can invest time in preparing for interviews and building relationships with candidates instead of scheduling rooms and checking calendars.

G Suite Hire - Replace Interviewer

Auto-highlight resumes

A huge portion of recruiters’ time is spent reviewing resumes.

Watching people interact with Hire, Google found that HR professionals were frequently using “Ctrl+F” to search for the right skills as they scanned through a resume—a repetitive, manual task that could easily be automated.

Using AI, Hire now automatically analyzes the terms in a job description or search query and auto-highlights them on resumes, including synonyms and acronyms.

G Suite Hire - Auto-highlight Resumes

Click to call candidates

Whether recruiters are screening candidates, conducting interviews, or following-up on offers, it involves making more than a dozen phone calls each day.

This means spending a lot of time searching for phone numbers or logging notes.

Hire now simplifies every phone conversation with click-to-call functionality, and automatically logs calls so team members know who has spoken with a candidate.